NWDCP is delighted to celebrate the achievements of our learners who have successfully completed the LIFE Programme (QQI Levels 4 & 5).
We are incredibly proud of Craig, Paul, and Alan for their dedication and hard work, and we look forward to welcoming Josh, who will soon join this outstanding group. We extend our deepest gratitude to Joyce and Bertie for graciously hosting us at the National College of Ireland (NCI) and for their continued support in the years ahead.

Our sincere thanks also go out to our invaluable partners and supporters: the City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB), Dublin City Council/North East Inner City Initiative (DCC/NEIC), SV Fitness, Bohemians Football Club, Football Association of Ireland (FAI), Solas, Leinster Rugby, and Mary Bolger from the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS). Your contributions have been instrumental in making this program a success.