North Wall CDP is the provider of the L.I.F.E. – the Learning In a Football Environment Course (QQI Level 5 Sports, Recreation & Exercise).
Our focus is to engage young learners in the NEIC and progress them to their chosen pathway, be it further education or employment. Our new 44-week course starts in September 2023. It is almost full but we are still recruiting for the last few places.
The course is enhanced by digital tools, including a VEO camera, Match analysis software and GPS analytical equipment. We are working in collaboration with Bohemian Football Club (who provide course uniforms, guest speakers and club visit opportunities) and the National College of Ireland (who provide classroom facilities). Participants will also obtain Lifeguarding, First Aid and FAI qualifications. They will gain relevant expertise and top class work experience in a variety of fields, inside the Sports, Football and Gym/Fitness industry.
Overall, this is a course that provides both a QQI Level 5 Major award which provides you with CAO points (Total Possible CAO Points: 390) and important life and job skills. For more information contact: Craig Caffrey 085-256 5597.
You can also register through this link: https://www.fetchcourses.ie/course/finder?sfcw-courseId=401433
NWCDP provides and facilitates both accredited and non-accredited courses in our local area of Dublin 1.
We aim to provide courses that assist people in our community and our staff members to develop their true potential. We do this through:
- Our Local Training Initiative (LTI)
- Study Support
- Language training for migrants (ESOL)
- Tutor-led gardening for a community group
- Supporting staff with external training & development
- Internal professional development workshops for staff
Our Local Training Initiative (LTI) team is funded by the City of Dublin Education & Training Board (CDETB). This team provides further education and training for people who are returning to work.
LTIs are designed to raise the skill, knowledge, competencies and the employment and/or progression prospects of learners. LTIs also provide learners with the opportunity to contribute to the social and economic development of their local communities.
Our training courses are firmly rooted in the community. They encourage learners who otherwise might not be able to avail of mainstream training to develop existing skills and learn new skills in an environment that suits their individual needs. Two graduates from our first Sports & Recreation course, which ran from 2019/2020, have become community leaders. One set up his own business.
In autumn 2020, our LTI team started its second Sports & Recreation course as a QQI Level 4 award. This was a full time training programme, delivered over 44 weeks. It included Life Guarding and First Aid. Some participants had no formal qualifications or had not completed secondary level but they got skills and qualifications to help achieve their career goals and secure job opportunities. We started our third Sports & Recreation course in autumn 2021. This QQI Level 4 course, rebranded L.I.F.E, was generously supported by Bohemians F.C. and the National College of Ireland. The following year we ran a second L.I.F.E. course, this time at QQI Level 5 course. This is running until July 2023.
North Wall CDP has also delivered a QQI level 4 Employability Skills course with great results. One participant progressed to Community Employment and has since acquired Level 5 and Level 6 Childcare qualifications.
Our own staff receive a combination of internal and externally sourced training to update their professional development. This ensures that their knowledge, skills and practice are fully up to date. Two staff members are shortly commencing QQI Level 8 courses in the National College of Ireland, having successfully completed their Level 7 courses.