On the eve of Valentine's Day, our pre-school childcare staff planned a special art workshop. Result? These beautiful cards and hearts, made by the children themselves.
The staff do a 20-minute art class with the class or twice a week. Double that time if you include the prep (aprons on and paints ready) and the clean-up afterwards!!! It's always worth the effort. Because, as our poster says - We love to paint!
St. Valentine's Day is one of the earliest Christian holidays. In 496 A.D Pope Gelasius 1 tried to ban the pagan rituals of the 'Lupercalia', which also took place in mid-February. He replaced the festival with a Saint Day celebration on February 14, in honour of St. Valentine. Over 1,500 years later it's as important as ever. It's a day to show your love - with a thoughtful card.